Frequently Asked Questions

Where is your location?

Our location is at Vuda Point, Lautoka. 

How can I contact you?

For West area, you can reach us through our phone numbers: (Landline) +679 6661755 (Mobile) +679 9906805 | 7050806, or via email at 

For Central area, contact us at (Landline) +679 3361023 (Mobile) +679 9906805 | 7050866, or email us at 

Is delivery available?

Yes, we offer delivery services with an additional fee, which may vary depending on the product and quantity ordered. 

What are your office hours?

We are open from Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm, and on Saturdays from 9am to 12pm, except during public holidays.

What kind of products do you offer?

We offer a wide range of products such as welding machines and accessories, solar power systems, water heaters, generators, water pumps, LPG accessories, and many more.