
What is Helium used for?
Inflating balloons, commonly known as Balloon Gas.


✓What is Helium used for?
Inflating balloons, commonly known as Balloon Gas.

✓How pure is our Helium?
97%. There are other applications which require higher purity.

✓How long will balloons stay in the air?
Good quality balloons will last approximately 12 hours and six hours on a hot day over 25˚C.

✓Is the party trick of inhaling Helium (Donald Duck effect) safe?
No. It is dangerous and must be discouraged at all times.

✓Will foil balloons stay in the air longer?
Yes, a standard 45cm foil balloon will inflate for about a week.

✓Is the gas safe?
The gas is inert (doesn’t react to anything), nontoxic, colourless, odourless and tasteless. We always recommend any gas must be used in a well ventilated area to reduce the danger of asphyxiation.